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3 min read

Five Keys to Winning the Next Decade in Wealth Management

By Eric Robbins on Nov 21, 2024 9:45:00 AM

The comments in this article are inspired by the keynote address of Aaron Klein at the recent Fearless Investing Summit in Nashville, TN. For those in the advising community who know Aaron, he is incredibly passionate about the RIA space. He is the co-founder of Riskalyze, which has recently rebranded to Nitrogen. He presented five great ideas to help financial advisors be forward thinking, and they deserve repeating and sharing with a broader audience.

Topics: Financial Planning Retirement Advanced Planning Investing Artificial Intelligence Centers of Excellence
2 min read

LIMRA: It’s No Longer Your Parents’ Retirement

By LIMRA on May 25, 2023 10:00:00 AM

How workers’ need for lifetime-guaranteed income may drive more Americans to consider annuities

The goal of a successful retirement is to have enough guaranteed income to cover basic living expenses and not have to worry about running out of money for the rest of your life. According to recent LIMRA research, workers today do not feel that their households will receive enough lifetime-guaranteed income to cover basic living expenses throughout retirement.

Topics: Retirement Planning Life Insurance & Annuities Retirement Research/Trends LIMRA
3 min read

Unpaid Caregivers Continue to Struggle With Retirement Security

By LIMRA on Apr 14, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, unpaid caregivers struggled with the demands of work and saving for the future. The pandemic brought on additional work/life disruptions with stay-at-home orders, school closures, and reduced ability to outsource caregiving. The challenges also affect workers’ future retirement security since retirement income is often dependent on one’s ability to work and, through that work, accumulate savings.

A new Secure Retirement Institute® (SRI®) study, Staying the Course: Navigating Unpaid Caregiving Obstacles to Retirement Security, explored the impact of caregiving on workers’ retirement savings, as well as the actions and employer benefits that may help caregivers plan for a secure retirement.

Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement Research/Trends LIMRA Financial Security
