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3 min read

Estate Planning Considerations in 2025

By Ryan Naples, CFP®, EA on Dec 20, 2024 8:15:00 PM

The end of one’s life is never easy to talk about. However, many clients may not have an optimal plan to ensure their assets pass efficiently when they are gone. Outside of basic wills and POAs, many higher-net-worth families can take advantage of the higher estate tax exemption from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). This current law is set to expire at the end of 2025.

The estate and gift limits are unified, meaning that gifting above the annual exemption amount ($18,000) counts towards the limit, as do certain assets passed to heirs at death. Before the passing of the TCJA, the lifetime exemption for estates and lifetime gifting went from 5.49 million to $11.18 million and currently sits at $13.61 million in 2024. That is the amount per person. Remember that for a married couple, each spouse gets a $13.61 million lifetime exemption, and any unused amount is portable to the surviving spouse, meaning if a spouse dies and has not used any of their lifetime exemption amounts, the surviving spouse's exemption amount would double to $27.22 million in 2024. Below are a few estate planning strategies you can utilize to help higher-net-worth families transfer their wealth more efficiently.

3 min read

Five Keys to Winning the Next Decade in Wealth Management

By Eric Robbins on Nov 21, 2024 9:45:00 AM

The comments in this article are inspired by the keynote address of Aaron Klein at the recent Fearless Investing Summit in Nashville, TN. For those in the advising community who know Aaron, he is incredibly passionate about the RIA space. He is the co-founder of Riskalyze, which has recently rebranded to Nitrogen. He presented five great ideas to help financial advisors be forward thinking, and they deserve repeating and sharing with a broader audience.

3 min read

Choosing Medicare Coverage

By Rick Hedderick, MBA, CFP on Nov 4, 2024 6:00:00 AM

Medicare open enrollment is the annual period during which our clients eligible for Medicare can make changes or update their Medicare health and prescription drug plans. This period runs every year from October 15 to December 7, and any chosen changes will then take effect the following January 1. During this open enrollment period, clients can switch from Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) to a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) or vice versa. They can also change from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another, enroll in a switch, or drop a prescription drug plan (Medicare Part D). This period allows beneficiaries to ensure their current plans meet their needs, especially if their coverage, cost, or provider networks have changed. Reviewing and updating these coverages can help clients save money and ensure their healthcare needs will be covered for the following year. Choosing Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan depends on one’s healthcare needs, finances, and personal preference. In this article, I will present key points to be considered when making this decision.

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Correlation Examination

By Jared M. Orr, CFP® on Oct 30, 2024 3:15:00 PM

Over the past decade, the financial landscape has witnessed significant shifts, one of which has gone unnoticed. Correlations. Notably, the correlations between equity and fixed income have increased, and domestic and international equities have become more highly correlated. These trends have profound implications for portfolio diversification and risk management. Important note: correlations change constantly over time.

3 min read


By Phil Stuczynski on Oct 25, 2024 11:00:00 AM

We have entered a world where stakeholder capitalism is on full display, and it should be no wonder when investors call for investments in a social cause. Whether through the lens of ESG, sustainability, or green-specific investments, there has been an increase in understanding and demand. However, it is important to consider not just the investment but also the investor and their needs. After all, with the rise of social media, a company could find themselves in the middle of a culture war in no time and could be trending online with millions of impressions in mere minutes! If this could have a statistical significance on stock price, it is important to consider the risk companies pose when they speak out!

2 min read

LIMRA: It’s No Longer Your Parents’ Retirement

By LIMRA on May 25, 2023 10:00:00 AM

How workers’ need for lifetime-guaranteed income may drive more Americans to consider annuities

The goal of a successful retirement is to have enough guaranteed income to cover basic living expenses and not have to worry about running out of money for the rest of your life. According to recent LIMRA research, workers today do not feel that their households will receive enough lifetime-guaranteed income to cover basic living expenses throughout retirement.

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New LIMRA Study Reveals Creating Income Is Top Motive for Annuity Buyers

By LIMRA on May 15, 2023 11:30:00 AM

The decision to buy an annuity or not can be a complex one. Understanding the factors that influence an investor’s decision to buy can help carriers design and market products and guide financial professionals’ approaches when speaking to their clients.

3 min read

LIMRA Asks Financial Services Executives to Weigh in on Industry Challenges

By LIMRA on May 4, 2023 10:13:41 AM

Life insurance and financial services companies faced a tough business climate over the last several years ― from the fallout of the pandemic, to rising interest rates and inflation, to the increased use of technology, to heightened customer expectations. LIMRA spoke with industry executives to see how their companies are handling these challenges and what they see for the future.

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April is Financial Literacy Month: The More You Know, the More Secure You’ll Become

By LIMRA on Apr 25, 2023 11:23:29 AM

Financial literacy is one’s ability to understand the tools and concepts needed to make sound financial decisions. Often, this includes effective budgeting, saving, and investing but extends into income security. A lack of knowledge can inhibit consumers from protecting their income with products like life insurance and annuities.

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LIMRA Study Predicts the In-Plan Annuity Market Will Grow Exponentially Over the Next 2 Years

By LIMRA on Mar 24, 2023 3:29:51 PM

LIMRA Research Head explains the growing market opportunity for in-plan guarantees and the role of education.

Following the recent passing of the SECURE Act 2.0, the financial services industry expects greater adoption of in-plan guarantees in late 2023 and 2024. In-plan guarantees are plan designs offered by employers that can convert retirement savings into a stream of guaranteed income payments during retirement. Designs of in-plan guarantees include annuities inside a target date fund (TDF), a stand-alone annuity product, and annuity options outside of the plan but linked to it. Educating advisors, plan sponsors, and employees on the value of in-plan annuities will affect their acceptance.

4 min read

LIMRA: Record Annuity Sales in 2022 Expected to Continue Into First Quarter 2023

By LIMRA on Mar 14, 2023 11:09:50 AM

Facing unprecedented long-term market volatility in 2022, consumers sought the protection offered by fixed annuities, propelling a record-high $312.8 billion in total U.S. annuity sales. According to LIMRA’s 2022 Individual Annuity Sales Survey, total 2022 annuity sales increased 23% over 2021 results and were 18% higher than the previous record of $265 billion set in 2008.

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Younger Workers Could Greatly Benefit from Workplace Wellness Programs

By LIMRA on Mar 3, 2023 1:13:39 PM

In recent years, more Americans realize the importance of holistic wellness. In the workplace, employees look to their employers for wellness offerings to reduce financial, emotional and physical stress. According to LIMRA research, 74% of employees who experience a high degree of financial pressure believe employers should offer programs to address this particular stressor. Employees with moderate financial stress and those with no/very little stress also agree.

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Americans’ Worries Shift from COVID-19 to the Economy

By LIMRA on Feb 1, 2023 10:00:00 AM

With the COVID-19 vaccination rate up and the number of deaths significantly declining, only 1 in 5 adults are “very” or “extremely” concerned about the virus today, according to LIMRA’s October Consumer Sentiment in the Time of COVID-19 study. In the research, more than 3 in 5 adults say their lives are largely back to what they were like before the pandemic ― going from 31% in January to 62% in October.

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Do Consumers Really Understand Long-Term Care Insurance?

By LIMRA on Jan 24, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Long-term care involves services, both medical and non-medical, provided to people who cannot perform basic activities of daily living such as dressing or bathing. People receive long-term support and services at home, in the community, or in a facility. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, someone turning age 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services and supports in their remaining years.

3 min read

Take on the Worksite Market and Change the Way Employers Think About LTCi

By Cindy Harris on Dec 19, 2022 2:09:15 PM

What do you get when modernized Long Term Care Insurance products meet changing workplace needs and employee attitudes? An advantageous opportunity to grow your business, reach the middle market, and help protect more families from potential LTC needs.

Worksite benefits have long been a critical tool in helping employers attract top talent. What’s changed is that more employers want a variety of products to build benefit packages that are as diverse as today’s workforce – and there’s room for LTCi in this conversation.

Sure, you’ll face some challenges from decision-makers, but clearing hurdles is nothing new for seasoned LTC professionals. Here are three common objections that you can address with employers to change the way they think about LTCi.

3 min read

Another Record-Breaking Quarter for U.S. Retail Annuity Sales

By LIMRA on Nov 17, 2022 10:00:00 AM

For the second consecutive quarter, annuity sales reached new heights. In the third quarter 2022, total annuity sales were $79.6 billion, a 27% jump from prior year results, according to preliminary results from LIMRA’s U.S. Individual Annuity Sales Survey.

1 min read

NAIFA Partner Fairway Independent Mortgage Named #1 Workplace in the U.S.

By NAIFA on Nov 4, 2022 9:43:16 AM

NAIFA is proud to share that long-time partner and champion Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation was named #1 in the 2022 Top Workplaces USA, in an award issued by Energage. Fairway also took the top spot in 2021 as the top-ranked winner for a company with over 2,500 employees.

2 min read

Workplace Life, Disability, & Supplemental Health Premium Rebounds in Q2

By LIMRA on Oct 19, 2022 10:00:00 AM

New annualized premium for workplace life insurance, disability insurance, and supplemental health products increased in the second quarter, according to LIMRA’s workplace benefits sales surveys.

“After a sluggish first quarter, sales for workplace life and disability insurance products experienced solid growth in the second quarter,” said Patrick Leary, corporate vice president, and director of LIMRA workplace benefits research. “Despite inflationary concerns, the awareness among employees of the need for insurance coverage remains even after their concerns about COVID-19 have waned, which helps explain the continued growth in certain voluntary products.”

2 min read

Employers Eye Insurance Benefits as a Way to Attract, Keep Talent

By LIMRA on Sep 30, 2022 10:00:00 AM

LIMRA estimates 86 million employees could have access to new insurance benefits within 2 years

Facing a historically tight job market, many employers are looking to bolster their workplace benefits to attract new talent and retain their existing workforce. In a LIMRA survey of U.S. private employers with 10 or more employees, 60% said they are considering adding a new insurance benefit within the next two years ― roughly double the interest employers expressed five years ago.

1 min read

Join NAIFA Partner Chalice Connect for a Benefits-Driven Webinar

By NAIFA on Sep 14, 2022 9:58:01 AM

Join Chief Marketing Officer and Partner at Chalice Connect, Whitney Kendrick, along with Senior PEO Sales Consultant at Paychex/Oasis, Maria Petroni, for a Business Performance Center webinar on Thursday, September 22 at 12 pm eastern.

In this webinar, Whitney and Maria will give you an overview of the Chalice Connect Marketplace, and how it can help your business navigate and save on new benefits such as health insurance, travel options, and succession planning - especially timely with open enrollment periods opening up soon!

Chalice Connect is one of the Business Performance Center's newest partners, and also an affinity discount partner for our NAIFA Members. This webinar is free to attend and will teach you how to access their marketplace, which can save your firm, agency, or practice time and money.

Learn More & Register

3 min read

Fixed-Rate Deferred Annuity Product Sales Lead the Way in Record-Breaking Second Quarter

By LIMRA on Aug 25, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Total U.S. annuity sales increased 16% to $79.4 billion in the second quarter, according to LIMRA’s U.S. Individual Annuity Sales Survey. Fixed-rate deferred (FRD) and registered index-linked (RILA) sales reached an all-time record for the quarter, while fixed index annuity sales fell just short of a record quarter.

“All fixed products showed positive growth as consumers looked for safety from the volatile equity markets,” said Todd Giesing, assistant vice president, LIMRA Annuity Research. “With average yields at or above 3% for fixed-rate deferred annuities, it’s a rate environment we haven’t seen in a long time.”

3 min read

Sales of Life Combination Products Rebound in 2021

By LIMRA on Aug 22, 2022 12:43:24 PM

Total new premium for individual life combination products increased 22% to $4.3 billion, compared with prior year results, and down slightly from the $4.8 billion in premium generated in 2019, according to LIMRA’s 2021 U.S. Individual Life Combination Products Annual Review. Combination products represented 20% of total life insurance premium in 2021.

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LIMRA: Second Quarter Annuity Sales Shatter Record Set During the Great Recession

By LIMRA on Aug 1, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Total U.S. annuity sales increased 22% to $77.5 billion in the second quarter, according to preliminary results from LIMRA’s U.S. Individual Annuity Sales Survey. This marks the highest quarterly sales ever recorded since LIMRA began tracking annuity sales and nearly $9 billion above the previous record set in the fourth quarter of 2008 during the Great Recession.

3 min read

Employee Benefits Influence Worker Satisfaction But Lack of Awareness Could Undermine Their Impact

By LIMRA on Jul 25, 2022 10:00:00 AM

In today’s tight job market, companies are focused on how to differentiate themselves to attract and retain the best talent. There has been a lot of attention on salaries and hybrid work arrangements but how do employee benefits figure into the equation?

2 min read

Workplace Supplemental Health Product Sales Start Strong in 2022

By LIMRA on Jul 11, 2022 10:00:00 AM

New annualized premium for supplemental health insurance products, (collectively accident, critical illness, cancer, hospital indemnity, and other supplemental health insurance products) increased 6% in the first quarter of 2022 year-over-year. During the same period, new annualized premiums for workplace life insurance and disability insurance fell, according to LIMRA’s workplace benefits sales surveys.

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LIMRA Predicts Steady Growth in Annuity Sales as Number of Retirees Expands

By LIMRA on Jun 30, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Despite the continued challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the annuity industry rebounded strongly — with the first quarter of 2022 seeing total U.S. annuity sales increase 4% to $63.3 billion. LIMRA expects this momentum to continue through the next several years.

“The outlook for rising interest rates and fairly level equity markets will have investors continuing to look for the balance between protection, growth, and guaranteed income, creating a strong potential for individual annuity sales to break the all-time record levels of sales experienced in 2008,” says Todd Giesing, assistant vice president, LIMRA Annuity Research.

4 min read

LIMRA and EY Study Predicts Non-Medical Workplace Benefits to Grow 20% by 2026

By LIMRA on Jun 23, 2022 10:00:00 AM

With the onset of the pandemic, workers became increasingly concerned about their financial security and emotional and physical well-being. According to a new study by LIMRA and EY, there is a growing employee appreciation for non-medical benefits such as paid family medical leave, life insurance, disability insurance, and wellness programs. The study predicts this increased demand, combined with the fierce competition for top talent, will drive non-medical workplace benefits to grow 20% by 2026.

3 min read

Meeting the Life Insurance Need Through Workplace Benefits

By LIMRA on Jun 16, 2022 10:00:00 AM

COVID-19 raised consumers’ awareness about the importance of life insurance. According to LIMRA research, half of U.S. workers believe their life insurance benefit is more important due to COVID-19. To ensure every worker who has access to life insurance at their workplace opts in, our industry needs to expand efforts to educate employers about the value their workers place on life insurance and encourage them to highlight this important benefit during their next open enrollment.

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Sales of Life Combination Products Plummeted in 2020

By LIMRA on May 5, 2022 1:26:00 PM

After strong results in 2019, the total new premium for individual life combination products decreased 23% to $3.7 billion in 2020, according to LIMRA’s 2020 U.S. Individual Life Combination Products Annual Review. There were approximately 421,000 policies sold in 2020, down 7% compared with 2019 results.

Life combination products provide life insurance coverage with long-term care or chronic illness coverage, an attractive value proposition to consumers, according to LIMRA consumer research.

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Broker Evolution: Are You Ready?

By LIMRA on May 2, 2022 1:15:00 PM

Employee benefits brokers have served as a long-standing bridge between carriers and their clients. Many employers value working with a trusted benefits professional to help navigate a daunting array of oftentimes similar options. While well established, the broker-employer relationship is evolving at a rapid pace.

LIMRA recently partnered with EY to better understand the future direction of the workplace benefits industry. The research explored the perspectives of key stakeholders in this segment (i.e., employers, employees, brokers, and technology providers) and found that while brokers are still highly regarded, their role is rapidly shifting from a sales-focused, transactional business model toward one that is more consultative in nature. We expect this shift to accelerate over the next five years as several environmental trends driving this change continue to unfold.

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Pandemic Drives Increased Interest in Benefits

By LIMRA on Apr 28, 2022 10:00:00 AM

With all of the health issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, LIMRA research shows employees are placing greater importance on the benefits offered by their employers, and are more closely examining their benefit needs.

In 2020, LIMRA asked full-time employees with insurance benefits what changes they made to their benefits package during their 2020 open enrollment period. The results highlight the immediate short-term impact of the pandemic.

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Employers Look to Digital Tools to Help Administer Voluntary Benefits & Lower Costs

By LIMRA on Apr 25, 2022 1:10:00 PM

Healthcare costs have been on the rise over the past decade. In response, some employers have scaled back on their health insurance offerings, at times leaving gaps in coverage. As a result, the voluntary benefits market, where employees pay the premiums, has become more popular among employers.

These voluntary benefits programs, however, have underlying costs to employers, including those related to implementation and administration. Digital tools can help employers reduce these costs by simplifying operations and improving efficiency.

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Interest in Life Combination Products Shifts

By LIMRA on Apr 21, 2022 1:05:00 PM

As the pandemic spread, images of nursing homes and assisted care facilities flooded the media. The sick and elderly were particularly vulnerable to this deadly virus and so many families were cut off from their parents and grandparents in the hopes of protecting them from exposure to COVID-19.

With this in mind, LIMRA surveyed more than 2,000 Americans to determine if the pandemic has shifted their thoughts about long-term care and insurance.

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Did COVID-19 Change Employees’ Benefit Tactics During the 2020 Open Enrollment?

By LIMRA on Apr 18, 2022 1:06:00 PM

The general perception has been that the pandemic would radically increase employees’ appreciation of benefits and possibly increase their need for certain benefits, but how benefits may evolve based on these changes remains unclear.

With the pandemic shaking the country for more than 12 months now, employee benefits experts are trying to gain insights into which actions employees will take as a result of COVID-19 and whether carriers will see a positive impact on participation rates. The general perception has been that the pandemic would radically increase employees’ appreciation of benefits and possibly increase their need for certain benefits, but how benefits may evolve based on these changes remains unclear.

3 min read

Unpaid Caregivers Continue to Struggle With Retirement Security

By LIMRA on Apr 14, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, unpaid caregivers struggled with the demands of work and saving for the future. The pandemic brought on additional work/life disruptions with stay-at-home orders, school closures, and reduced ability to outsource caregiving. The challenges also affect workers’ future retirement security since retirement income is often dependent on one’s ability to work and, through that work, accumulate savings.

A new Secure Retirement Institute® (SRI®) study, Staying the Course: Navigating Unpaid Caregiving Obstacles to Retirement Security, explored the impact of caregiving on workers’ retirement savings, as well as the actions and employer benefits that may help caregivers plan for a secure retirement.
