Medicare open enrollment is the annual period during which our clients eligible for Medicare can make changes or update their Medicare health and prescription drug plans. This period runs every year from October 15 to December 7, and any chosen changes will then take effect the following January 1. During this open enrollment period, clients can switch from Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) to a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) or vice versa. They can also change from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another, enroll in a switch, or drop a prescription drug plan (Medicare Part D). This period allows beneficiaries to ensure their current plans meet their needs, especially if their coverage, cost, or provider networks have changed. Reviewing and updating these coverages can help clients save money and ensure their healthcare needs will be covered for the following year. Choosing Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan depends on one’s healthcare needs, finances, and personal preference. In this article, I will present key points to be considered when making this decision.
3 min read
Choosing Medicare Coverage
By Rick Hedderick, MBA, CFP on Nov 4, 2024 6:00:00 AM
Topics: Retirement Planning Health Care Medicare Centers of Excellence Lifetime Healthcare Center
2 min read
Employers Look to Digital Tools to Help Administer Voluntary Benefits & Lower Costs
By LIMRA on Apr 25, 2022 1:10:00 PM
Healthcare costs have been on the rise over the past decade. In response, some employers have scaled back on their health insurance offerings, at times leaving gaps in coverage. As a result, the voluntary benefits market, where employees pay the premiums, has become more popular among employers.
These voluntary benefits programs, however, have underlying costs to employers, including those related to implementation and administration. Digital tools can help employers reduce these costs by simplifying operations and improving efficiency.